Deep Dive Study Visit Bremen 16 - 18 May 2017 - REFILL explores experiences from Athens, Bremen and Ghent on how to transfer temporary use principles and assets to vulnerable target groups.
Eintrag von am 09.05.2017

REFILL’s main objective is to tackle the challenge of empty buildings and unused lands in an urban environment. By accommodating social, cultural and economic initiatives in these vacancies, a city can generate multiple benefits: revitalizing neglected neighbourhoods, intensifying the use of built urban environment and contributing to a fairer and more sustainable city. But beforehand, cities have to start dealing with these issues. City administrations have to recognize the importance of vacancy in their cities. Stakeholders have to familiarize with the practice of temporary use and its positive mechanisms. Civil servants have to make temporary use actionable and city leaders have to support and promote its development.
How can we diversify the target groups of temporary users and how can we engage unusual suspects / vulnerable groups beyond the so-called cultural creatives?
How can empty space be a platform in order to bring different groups and activities together in order to work on new models of integration?
How can target groups, not easy to reach, be aquired in the first place?
Can TU deliver a real contribution to integration and inclusion? With regard to the groups as well as with regard to the neighbourhood.
What are possible obstacles and certain characteristics by targeting vulnerable groups? What is different when targeting them in comparision to the experiences well known when targeting the usual suspects? Language, psychic trauma, other cultural imprints,…
What changes have to be applied to TU, in order to make it work for other target groups?
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